Thursday, December 11, 2008

Book Review: The Intellectual Devotional

The subtitle of this bestseller says it all: "Revive your mind, complete your education, and roam confidently with the cultured class." Each page is a different bit size chunk of knowledge about a particular subject. Spend two minutes reading each day and you'll amass a wealth of information on a wide variety of subjects.

One day, the topic is stem cells. The next, Beethoven's Symphony no. 9 Choral. Armed with such diverse knowledge, you don't need to worry about being unable to contribute to any conversation.

The book is full of great bits of trivia. Did you know that legislators in the early 1900's tried to outlaw X-ray machines because they feared the technology would show nude bodies under clothes? Crazy. Or that the Joseph Heller novel that gave us the term "catch-22" was originally supposed to be called Catch-18, but Heller changed at the last minute to avoid confusion with a Leon Uris book?

Here's a link to the book on Amazon. 

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